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How to Adjust Your AI Strategy to Address Volatility in a Time of Crisis

How to Adjust Your AI Strategy to Address Volatility in a Time of Crisis

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.salesforce.com

Great insights on how to work with uncertainty and volatility. The real lesson is that whether you use data with heavy AI, or completely without, to go slow during these times and be thorough when evaluating your business needs.

What should the perfect video conferencing solution provide?

What should the perfect video conferencing solution provide?

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.gartner.com

As the stay at home orders are showing us, having flawless, reliable communication technology is essential going into the future!

Will Online Lenders Be Approved to Make PPP Loans?

Will Online Lenders Be Approved to Make PPP Loans?

Sourced through Scoop.it from: debanked.com

There has been a lot of talk (and a lot of confusion) about the new guidelines for SBA loans and who can make them. Very helpful to see some news clearing up the confusion!

The founder of Mint.com just launched a self-triage tool for COVID-19 

The founder of Mint.com just launched a self-triage tool for COVID-19 

Aaron Patzer is likely best known as the founder of Mint.com, a personal financial management tool, but today he’s lending his tech expertise to another concern: the COVID-19 pandemic. …

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.fiercehealthcare.com

So great to see tech companies stepping up and helping people during these challenging times!

Facebook, Google to be stronger after Virus Crisis

Facebook, Google to be stronger after Virus Crisis

Facebook, Google to be stronger after Virus Crisis

Cathie Wood, chief executive officer of Ark Investment Management, discusses her views on how the coronavirus outbreak is affecting U.S. technology giants.

Credit Bloomberg

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.technology-in-business.net

Really interesting to think about how the tech giants will fare after the crisis, and how that could potentially change the landscape!

Shopify Capital adds small, unsecured loans for ‘dorm room’ entrepreneurs

Shopify Capital adds small, unsecured loans for ‘dorm room’ entrepreneurs

Shopify has provided merchant cash advance services for the last three years for established online retailers, but newcomers with no transaction history typically were turned away.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.paymentssource.com

Great to see this kind of growth!