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White Papers

CloudMyBiz White Papers

White Paper: Slow Response Means Lost Borrowers

In the world of Alternative Lending,​ slow responses mean lost borrowers. Potential borrowers expect a rapid evaluation and decision. If lenders aren’t fast, borrowers look elsewhere.

Product Spotlight: Managed vs Unmanaged Packages

If you have been in or around Salesforce apps, you may have heard of packages, particularly managed packages. Aside from being a set of fancy sounding buzzwords, what does a managed package actually do?

Product Spotlight: Fundingo Submission Wizard

Working smarter means knowing the the characteristics/needs of clients, customers, lenders and funders. But is there a way to incorporate this information that can save you time and money?

How Does Fundingo Handle Large Data Sets?

When looking for a new loan management software, the ability to handle large data sets should be discussed during your discovery call. You should be able to have peace of mind when it comes to supporting a high volume of data.



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