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App of the Week – Opportunity Merge Component

App of the Week – Opportunity Merge Component

Dealing with duplicate leads can certainly be challenging, but what about similar or duplicate opportunities? Duplicate opportunities can be just as much of a problem, if not more so, because you run all sorts of billing and contractual risks. This lightweight component allows you to combine opportunities related to a single account, keeping your sales organized, and your pipeline clean and fresh.

Opportunity Merge merges identical Opportunities of an Account and helps in cleaning up duplicate Opportunities. It allows users to select one opportunity as Master Opportunity out of the two selected records.

Check it out here!


App of the Week – Lead Convert Chatter

App of the Week – Lead Convert Chatter

So there you are, using Salesforce the right way and connecting with various departments and team members via Chatter on your leads. You do some great teamwork and convert the lead. So when you then go into the newly created Opportunity or Contact what do you see? Not your Chatter comments. All of the discussion relevant to that Lead has simply vanished, and now you are at a disadvantage… unless you install the Lead Convert for Chatter app!

Move Chatter from leads to contacts, accounts, and opportunities! All posts, comments, likes, links, and files are migrated for you when your leads are converted.

Check it out here!