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App of the Week – Track success with Service and Support Dashboards for Salesforce

App of the Week – Track success with Service and Support Dashboards for Salesforce

Service & Support Dashboards

Reporting is easy in Salesforce. Anyone can build a Report. But what’s hard is knowing exactly what to report on. With the ability to report on any field in Salesforce in dozens of different ways, getting those first valuable Reports and Dashboards can be a real challenge. There’s some great jumping-off points available on the AppExchange to get you started with reporting on user adoption, sales history, and critical account information, and this week, I bring you another great tool like these: Service & Support Dashboards!

If you’re using salesforce.com Service and Support to track cases, then you should be interested in dashboards that will help you analyze the performance in your company. Dashboards can provide a visual representation of your realtime operations, agent workload and productivity, critical customer information and key performance indicators.

This tried and true free app isn’t going to give you all the Reports you need, but will give you a great starting point for building out an incredible suite of Reports and Dashboards for your team! Check it out today!