We all have those numbers we call constantly. There’s mom, of course, and your significant other or best friend. In the office, there’s that support line you need when you’ve got a problem with the AC, FedEx when you need to schedule a pickup, and don’t forget that favorite restaurant you always order lunch from when you’ve got a big meeting in the conference room. Your team needs all sorts of numbers to call when important things are happening, and you probably have a spreadsheet you distribute and print out every time there’s an update. Wouldn’t it be great if you could get those updated numbers to your whole team in seconds and never have to worry that someone is still working off of the one you prepared three Christmases ago? Well, the Lightning Speed Dial Component brings the ease of speed dial to the power of Salesforce1.
Admins can configure the name, phone number, and icon in the app builder. A simple tap on the component tile and the user’s device will be directed to dial that number. Admins can setup multiple speed dial components in a page for additional numbers, the component supports any phone number formatting.
Check out this free and simple app today!
CEO of CloudMyBiz Salesforce CRM consulting services with a deep knowledge in the lending industry. Taking keen interest in the project management side of operations, playing a vital role in the 31% YOY company growth. Strategic leader, mastering the ability to problem solve at every level of the business, providing effective solutions for clients.