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No matter how careful you are, no matter how well you design your security model, no matter how well you’ve trained your users, no matter how well you’ve built your integrations and custom code, data loss happens to the best businesses. While it is pretty rare that I hear about a significant data loss experience in a Salesforce environment, they happen, and when they do, you want to be prepared. Backing up your data regularly is a good start, but if you need a true enterprise-level solution, you’ll probably want to check out OwnBackup.

Protect your Org with a secure, automated daily backup of all your Salesforce data, metadata & attachments. Powerful tools to recover quickly from data loss (including relationships). Restore data across Salesforce Orgs. Easy setup. Unlimited storage.

OwnBackup is one of the best backup solutions I’ve seen, and I’d definitely recommend checking it out and giving it a try!
