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Tip of the Week – Do you want to build a Death Star in Salesforce?

Tip of the Week – Do you want to build a Death Star in Salesforce?


Tis the season for Star Wars buzz, and with a record breaking opening weekend behind us, there’s more excitement than ever for this classic franchise! Many of us geeks look to our fandoms for life lessons, and the Death Star is a classic example of a failed project. With its astronomical budget and fatal flaw allowing for its instant destruction, it is the archetype of a project management disaster. Well, the team at Trailhead agree, and built a lesson to walk you through creating a project management tool that just might save you from Lord Vader’s wrath.

The Battle Star App Trailhead lesson is perfect for the aspiring admin, Salesforce noob, or anyone who wants to brush up on how to build a custom application in Salesforce. It’s filled with fun Star Wars jokes, so nerds like me who already know how to do all the stuff in the lesson will be just as entertained. You’ll learn how to build a custom App from the ground up starting with custom objects and fields, then diving into business logic and beyond. And for you technophobes, no need to fear, no code is required for you to use the force! Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves, throw off your hood, get out the lightsaber, and start slicing away at this fun lesson. May the force be with you, and remember, “do or do not, there is no try.”

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys

App of the Week – Track success with Service and Support Dashboards for Salesforce

App of the Week – Track success with Service and Support Dashboards for Salesforce

Service & Support Dashboards

Reporting is easy in Salesforce. Anyone can build a Report. But what’s hard is knowing exactly what to report on. With the ability to report on any field in Salesforce in dozens of different ways, getting those first valuable Reports and Dashboards can be a real challenge. There’s some great jumping-off points available on the AppExchange to get you started with reporting on user adoption, sales history, and critical account information, and this week, I bring you another great tool like these: Service & Support Dashboards!

If you’re using salesforce.com Service and Support to track cases, then you should be interested in dashboards that will help you analyze the performance in your company. Dashboards can provide a visual representation of your realtime operations, agent workload and productivity, critical customer information and key performance indicators.

This tried and true free app isn’t going to give you all the Reports you need, but will give you a great starting point for building out an incredible suite of Reports and Dashboards for your team! Check it out today!

App of the Week – Own your Salesforce Homepage Dashboards with Custom Dashboard

App of the Week – Own your Salesforce Homepage Dashboards with Custom Dashboard

Custom Dashboards

Your Salesforce Homepage is, after the receptionist, the coffee machine, and that cute motivational cat poster beside your desk, the first thing you see when you get to the office every morning. And front and center are your custom Dashboards showing you the numbers that keep you up to date on the business and motivate you to succeed. But you can only have three. Three Dashboard elements to tell you the story you need. You want more, be prepared for heavy development and complicated maintenance. Or check out this new, free app, Custom Dashboard!

The Custom dashboard package helps you to create and show more than 3 report charts on your home page. Easy to use drag and drop features to build your customized dashboard. You can add unlimited report charts on your dashboard.

Check it out today and don’t forget to leave a review!

Tip of the Week – Use Visualforce to supercharge your Salesforce Dashboards

Tip of the Week – Use Visualforce to supercharge your Salesforce Dashboards

Visualforce Dashboard

If you’ve been using Salesforce for a while, you know the power of Dashboards is in their ability to turn piles of disjointed data into real, usable visuals. But sometimes you need more than graphs, charts, and lists to get the true 360° view or to motivate your team to succeed. When standard Dashboards fall short, what can you do? You need a solution that’s cheap, easy to implement, and easy to maintain.

Did you know that you can create a Visualforce page for use on a Salesforce Dashboard? That’s right, let that sink in. Visualforce, you know, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and all the power of Salesforce including Apex. Need something simple? Write up a basic flat page in HTML. When your needs grow, it’s ready to grow with you, and with the power of the full Force.com platform at your fingertips, the sky’s the limit. Here’s just one simple use case. And another one for fun. Now let your imagination run wild!

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys

App of the Week – Keep your team accountable with the Opportunity Accountability Dashboard

App of the Week – Keep your team accountable with the Opportunity Accountability Dashboard

Closing deals is the most critical part of your job every day.  A closed deal means new revenue and more resources to find future deals. Letting a deal fall through the cracks should never be an option, but let’s face it: you only have so much time. That’s where the Opportunity Accountability Dashboard comes in.

Sales Managers, this dashboard will allow you to stay on top of closing deals that might be a problem. Identify opportunities that are stuck or missing valuable information.

Start closing more of those challenging deals today with the free Opportunity Accountability Dashboard!