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DNC Check – Do Not Call Lookup

DNC Check – Do Not Call Lookup


It’s a highly talked about and relevant issue these days: the do not call list and marketing calls. If you are like most people, you have been seeing an increasing number of marketing and sales calls to your personal phone and are probably annoyed about it. Don’t be one of those annoying callers. Do your homework before you call, and find out if the number is registered on a Do Not Call list. Remaining respectful and complaint is good for your relationships and good for business.

DNC Check is updated daily and returns information from the 3 Do Not Call databases: the National Do Not Call Registry, State, and DMA. In addition, it also identifies which numbers are associated with known litigators as well as providing phone type.

Check it out here!

Tips for Better Lead Scoring in Salesforce and Pardot

Tips for Better Lead Scoring in Salesforce and Pardot


Getting a large funnel of leads is a big part of the job for any marketer. However, once you have a good volume of leads, you need to do something with them. Specifically, you need to have good qualifying parameters set up so your sales team doesn’t spend a ton of time with leads who are either uninterested or just not ready. To find out who is really interested in your product, you need to set up your lead scoring properly.

When it comes to Pardot, your lead scoring is based upon specific actions taken by your prospects, such as email opens, link clicks, downloads, etc. The idea here is to establish how much the prospect is interested in you. The more engaged the prospect is with your website and your content, the more confident you can be that they are interested in you and your product/service.

Alternatively, how interested you are in the prospect is a separate scoring system in Pardot known as prospect grading. In this article we won’t be discussing grading, other than to say that it is through the grading system that you can determine your ideal lead based on industry, geography, title, etc. This grade gets attached to the prospect so that when a prospect seems interested in you, via lead scoring, you should have sufficient data to determine how much you want to engage with that prospect.

So without further ado, here are our quick tips to help you get the best results from your Pardot lead scoring.

Assign different scores for different pages and different actions.

As one of the foundations of any good lead scoring plan, you need to be sure that you have some variety in your scores. You most likely have a few pages on your site that are “more important” such as a pricing page or product detail page. These pages should have higher point values than say, “about us” or your blog page.

Similarly, not all actions are equal. While it is great that someone has clicked on a number of your emails, and maybe even downloaded a paper, it certainly isn’t as much of a positive flag as someone who has submitted a form on a contact page.

Negative scores and degradation

Negative scoring can be just as important as varying your scores for “more and less important” actions and pages. Over time, prospect scores can easily become inflated, as clicks and pageviews slowly add up. Negative scores can help keep this in check, such as assigning negative scores for views of your “Jobs” page, as you don’t want to be focusing your time on job seekers, or automatically be deducting points for a prospect who has been inactive for a certain period of time.

Keep an eye out for Spam

Unfortunately, there are a lot of spammers out there, and for whatever reason, they may be filling out forms, and being entered as prospects into your system. A couple things to look for that may indicate a spam prospect: a form that is filled out without the expected capitalizations in the name or company fields, or inputted field data that is basically gibberish words.

One other thing to keep in mind is that leads using an email address from either Gmail or Yahoo may indicate less reliable prospects. Whenever possible, try to focus on prospects with business email addresses. In any of these cases, keep an eye out for prospects whose data doesn’t seem to be in line with what you normally see. If something seems off, they might not be a good prospect.

Setup a lead scoring threshold

Once a prospect gets to a certain point threshold, you can set up notifications for your Sales team. This ensures that Sales only get notified after a prospect has gone through a certain level of qualification. A simple automation rule should do this trick nicely. Pardot recommends initially setting this threshold at 100 points, if you are going by their built-in scoring rules. Take some time to think and plan for what your ideal scoring threshold is, based on your frequency of marketing content, and how you are scoring each action. And don’t be afraid to tweak your threshold over time if you aren’t getting the results you need right off the bat.

Think twice when you assign points for email opens

Learning this one the hard way can really throw off your scores. Don’t get us wrong, email opens are essential for marketing, but they aren’t the best indicator of interest or engagement. After all, some people open all of their emails just to have a clean inbox! An email opened does not necessarily equal email read. 

If you are sending out a lot of emails, you should really consider not assigning a score for individual email opens, as it can give you an inflated score, that really doesn’t reflect how interested the prospect is. Better metrics to consider for emails will be click-through and content downloads.

Discuss your scoring model with the Sales Team

From the get-go,  marketing and sales should get aligned on this process. Sales can help you determine which metrics have been the best indicators of a quality prospect in the past and they can help you decide at what scoring threshold they want to get notified about individual prospects.

With all of these tips on board, you should be well on your way to having a better-qualified group of leads.


-Ryan and the CloudMyBiz team

6 Ways to Improve Sales Productivity

6 Ways to Improve Sales Productivity


Ask any salesperson out there, there is a lot to do each day. From calls to emails to meetings, the daily schedule of a salesperson can be pretty hectic. So much so, that often salespeople feel like all they are doing is chasing a never-ending stream of tasks, but they can never really catch up, or get ahead of the work.

Sales productivity is, in the end, all about how effectively your time is used as it relates to closing sales. A salesperson certainly needs to spend a good amount of time talking and meeting with prospects, however, there needs to be a balance between that and administrative/prep work. It’s all about being efficient with each task and making sure you are spending your time wisely.

smiling people in meeting - sales productivity

So in the spirit of looking ahead, and finding little things that can make a big difference, we have put together a list of some key tips that can help just about any salesperson. No matter your industry, from Aerospace to Merchant Cash Advance, these 6 tips should help any sales rep increase productivity and get a better handle on their workload.

1. Productivity On the Go

Depending on your industry, you may be frequently traveling for customer meetings and can’t easily sit down in front of a computer. Having the right tools to stay connected, and be productive in between meetings, and without the need of a computer can seriously boost your efficiency. The right tools, such as Salesforce 1, can connect your CRM and your phone, allowing you to stay on top of your pipeline and projects from just about anywhere.

2. Avoid Distractions

woman hand with phone and notepad

Being 100% productive all the time is not only impossible, but it can take a bit of the joy out of your job. We all need a few minutes from time to time to get up, stretch, make idle chat around the water cooler. However, too many distractions can have a bigger negative impact than you think.  I fact it can take up to 25 minutes to get your focus back after a big distraction. Making better habits here is the key. When you need to really focus, little things like putting your phone on silent, putting in headphones and setting your internal messenger to “busy” can keep you in the zone and productive.

3. Manage Your Emails Better

Business professionals receive an average of 85 emails per day (that’s almost 600 emails each week!) and they spend more than 1/3 of work time reading, organizing, and replying to emails.

If you don’t have time to thoroughly read ever email in your inbox, chances are the people you are emailing don’t either. So when writing emails, keep it short and concise. Get to the point, have a goal for each email, and leave the recipient with a clear call to action or next step.

And when it comes to fighting with that overfull inbox, don’t let yourself chase every new email that comes in. If possible, give yourself a few designated times during the day to just respond to emails. This will keep you focused during the day, and you be more efficient when it comes time to respond.

4. Improve Your Follow Through

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Talking to someone once or twice might seem like enough, but 80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after the meeting and 44% of sales reps give up after 1 follow-up. Stay persistent and don’t give up after a few failed attempts. Or, if your sales team is stretched a bit too thin, consider an AI sales assistant that can be directly integrated to your CRM and help lighten the load.

5. Qualify Prospects Better

Nothing can be more deflating that chasing around prospects that turn out to be a bad match. Taking an extra 15 minutes for qualifying that lead can save you hours in the future. The more information you get at the beginning, the better.

If your marketing team has access to lead scoring and engagement tools, you can further improve your prospect qualifying. Lead qualifying and scoring automation, like those available through Pardot, can give you smart rules to define who is a good lead and who isn’t. The automation runs in the background, taking care of a large portion of the prospecting legwork.

Then you get notified when your prospects reach a certain score threshold—so that you can follow up with people who are more likely to convert.

6. Automate Your CRM

If you aren’t automation as many procedures as possible, you are going to fall behind. With today’s rapidly evolving technologies, smart automation is everywhere, and all of the best CRM’s, especially Salesforce, are taking advantage. Automation can trigger tasks, events, or approvals while artificial intelligence can go one step further by recommending actions, uncovering the right insights (automatically), and making sure you don’t miss any important details.


-Ryan and the CloudMyBiz team

Localytics Makes Mobile Marketing Easier

Localytics Makes Mobile Marketing Easier



Mobile marketing can be tricky. Coordinating campaigns, keeping all of the individual variations separate and ensuring that the content is delivered to the right person and at the right time. To do it right, you need a robust app that not only integrates all of your marketing activities but also gives you advanced analytics to better understand how effective your efforts have been.

Localytics lets brands take their mobile marketing to the next level, allowing them to send extremely targeted push notifications, in-app messages, inbox messages, and remarketing campaigns.

Check it out here!

Repeating Engagement Programs for Better Pardot Marketing

Repeating Engagement Programs for Better Pardot Marketing


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Pardot Engagement Programs are one of the most powerful marketing tools out there, and now they can be repeated! If you use Pardot along with your Salesforce, you almost certainly appreciate just how easy and comprehensive your drip and engagement campaigns can be.

For anyone who isn’t familiar, the short version goes like this: Pardot Engagement programs allow you to set up a complex series of automated emails, actions, rules and triggers into what amounts to a smart marketing campaign that can engage your prospects and adjust based on their actions.

Previously, when a prospect was assigned to an engagement campaign, they could only go through the journey once, however as of May 2018, that has all changed. Currently in Beta, Pardot will now allow you to re-assign a prospect back into a single program up to 10 times. You can also adjust how many days the system will wait before re-assigning, just to make sure there is a little space in between.

Being able to repeat engagement programs will allow you to engage with your prospects over a longer period of time because let’s be honest, not everyone converts the first time around. This upgrade will keep them on the path to receive your best content, and get maximum engagement!

Click here to learn more!