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App of the Week – Simplify Salesforce permissions with Permission Assignment Rules

App of the Week – Simplify Salesforce permissions with Permission Assignment Rules

If you’re a Salesforce administrator, you know how difficult it can be to manage a complex permission structure for your business. Standard Salesforce permissions can fall short when you want to have both limited visibility of a record, but also grant access to a larger team based on roles and profiles. In that case, you’re either going to have to train your team to manually share the record or build complex Apex code to do the sharing for you. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could set up permissions just like assignment rules? Check out this app!

Permission Assignment Rules (PAR) allow you to assign permissions to large sets of users automatically. Similar to Lead Assignment Rules, PAR enables scalable, job-appropriate User permissions from day one based on your assignment criteria.

Permission Assignment Rules is a brand new app, so don’t forget to leave a review!

Tip of the Week – Put your trust in Salesforce with the new Trust site

Tip of the Week – Put your trust in Salesforce with the new Trust site

Whether you’re new to the Salesforce world, or a long-time veteran, you’ve probably been to trust.salesforce.com on more than one occasion. Salesforce’s beloved Trust site is an invaluable resource for the security-minded folk, anyone interested in legal and compliance info, and is your first stop whenever you can’t figure out if Salesforce is down or your internet is acting up (most of the time, it’s your internet). The Trust site has been around for forever. It is starting to show its age with an outdated interface and it’s due for a facelift.

Coming in September, Salesforce is releasing the new version of trust.salesforce.com! The new site still has all the valuable information you’ve come to rely on, and it’s easier than ever to find what you’re looking for. If you don’t want to wait to check out the new version, head over to the beta site today, but until it is officially released, keep going to the old site for reliable, up-to-date information. If you do wait, you’re in for a real treat in just a few weeks!

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys

App of the Week – Say hasta la vista to wasted time with The Permissioner for Salesforce

App of the Week – Say hasta la vista to wasted time with The Permissioner for Salesforce

Ok admins, it’s honesty time – how many hours have you wasted meticulously combing through and configuring permission sets in Salesforce? Or should I ask how many hours this week? Because security is so critical, it takes time, but some of that time could be saved if you had the ability to quickly select users and grant or remove access to permission sets all at once. Wouldn’t that just be great? Well, get ready to start saving time today with The Permissioner!

The Permissioner dramatically reduces the time involved with assigning and revoking permission sets assignments to multiple users. Using a simple interface, administrators can select one or more permission sets to assign to one or more users at a time.

This free app has been around for years and has great reviews, so check it out today!

Tip of the Week – Leverage Account Teams to streamline security in Salesforce

Tip of the Week – Leverage Account Teams to streamline security in Salesforce

Do you work for a large company with multiple departments involved in providing service and resources to your clients? Do you work in a small business where every sale is a team effort? No matter your business’s size, you probably work with team members to provide goods and services to your clients. This can create challenges surrounding security and data cleanliness. Many companies create multiple Accounts for each business to avoid opening themselves to an open sharing model in Salesforce. Others will open the security and live with worries of the wrong people making updates to ensure proper sharing. But what if I told you that you don’t have to compromise on security or collaboration?

Salesforce has a valuable and wildly underutilized tool called Account Teams. Account Teams allow you to create groups of people who will work together on an account, granting each the permissions they need to do their jobs. Account Teams allow you to add team members and designate their roles, and by creating Default Account Teams, you can quickly add standard teams to your Accounts. If you’re not already using Account Teams, I recommend you check out Salesforce’s overview on the feature and their help doc on how to set up Account Teams. This may just change your whole Salesforce experience!

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys

Tip of the Week – Resolve Salesforce security risks with Health Check

Tip of the Week – Resolve Salesforce security risks with Health Check

Health Check

These days, everything is in the cloud, and that’s a good thing. Your data, calendar, files, and everything else follow you wherever you go on the globe. But that also means that hackers have easier access to that data. Keeping your system secure protects your business and customers, and it’s absolutely critical. In the past, securing Salesforce involved tracking down the various security settings, reading articles and notes for best practices, and invoking a fair deal of guess work. With Spring ’16, you security conscious folk have a treat waiting for you!

The Spring ’16 release of Salesforce brings with it Health Check, your 1-stop-shop for managing security in Salesforce. To access Health Check, simply go to Setup -> Security Controls -> Health Check. Right away, it will assess your risk level with an easy-to-understand chart, show you your current security settings compared to best practices, and give you the opportunity to edit them right there. This revolutionary update will streamline your security management and should give all admins and IT teams peace of mind that their Salesforce is secure!

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys