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App of the Week – Manage time off and more in Salesforce with Vaykay

App of the Week – Manage time off and more in Salesforce with Vaykay

The holidays are nigh upon us, and that means it’s time for the mass vacation exodus. It’s also the end of the year, meaning business trips, dinners with clients, and all the other stuff you do to close out those last few contracts. If you don’t have a system for keeping track of vacation, expenses, and all the other stuff that’s coming your way, it’s going to be a long couple of months. Wouldn’t it be great if you could track everything in Salesforce alongside the rest of your work? Well, you can with Vaykay!

Vaykay is a Force.com application that takes the hassle out of submitting and approving your employees’ time off requests and expense reports, which results in less paperwork, faster processing, and better tracking.

Vaykay is a cool, low-cost app. Check it out today!

Tip of the Week – How to access Salesforce from your cruise

Tip of the Week – How to access Salesforce from your cruise


So you’re finally taking that long-awaited vacation. Congratulations! You know you should be enjoying some well needed R&R, but you just can’t help yourself, and you need to check a dashboard to make sure your team’s meeting their goals in your absence. Problem is, when you try to log in on the ship’s wifi, you get that annoying message telling you a verification code has been sent to your cell. You don’t have service on the ship…if this doesn’t remind you not to cheat on your vacation, what can you do?

Don’t panic – you have a couple options. If you have Salesforce1 on your phone, try accessing the system through that. The Salesforce1 app on your device has a special certification that typically will allow it to log you in wherever you are. If that doesn’t work or you don’t have Salesforce1, simply google “What’s my IP” and send the IP address to your system administrator to add to the trusted networks (Setup -> Security Controls -> Network Access). Now you can breathe easy and enjoy your cruise!

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys