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App of the Week – Update records in record time with One Click Update for Salesforce

App of the Week – Update records in record time with One Click Update for Salesforce

One Click Update

Salesforce is awesome! The things it can do to streamline your processes and make your business more efficient and profitable are staggering. From sending faxes to generating contracts to distributing workloads and more, Salesforce can really bring your business to the next level. But one of the biggest complaints I hear from end users is that it takes too long to make simple updates to a record. Whether updating the priority on a Case, moving a Lead from a cold to hot rating, or changing the Opportunity Stage to Closed-Won, making these sorts of simple changes requires at least four button clicks and some precious seconds. Wouldn’t it be great if you could make updates with just one click and streamline your end-users’ experience? You can with One Click Update!

If you are tired of editing a pick-list field by clicking edit, then changing pick-list value and saving it then this is the app meant for you. This app saves a lot of time for sales and Customer Service user, as important info (pick-list field) of records can be updated in one click instead of multiple clicks.

Check out this awesome, brand new, free app and start saving time today with One Click Update!

Tip of the Week – Visualforce charts are easy in Salesforce

Tip of the Week – Visualforce charts are easy in Salesforce


So you’ve finally outgrown the standard page layouts in Salesforce and are ready to graduate to the exciting world of custom Visualforce pages. Congratulations! Whether you’re just looking to spice up your records with a basic Visualforce element or want to totally reinvent the way your users interact with your Salesforce org, the possibilities are nearly endless. You may be dreading the chore you’ve heard it is to add charts to a Visualforce page, but with several recent updates to Salesforce, adding Visualforce charts is as easy as dropping a new field on the page!

To add a chart to your Visualforce page, first go and create a Report with a chart in it. As an example, why not try a bar chart of Leads created by month. Copy the ID (check out this post for more on Salesforce URLs if you’re having trouble finding it), paste it into the following element and add it to your Visualforce page: <analytics:reportChart cacheResults="false" size="small" reportId="00O90000007fzQc"> </analytics:reportChart> . And there you have it! With this one line of code, you’ve just saved yourself and your developer team hours or months of work! And no need to refresh like typical Dashboard elements – these refresh every time you load your page. Have a blast, and let us know what awesome things you’re doing with Visualforce.

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys

App of the Week – Jumpstart your Visualforce project with Layout Page for Salesforce

App of the Week – Jumpstart your Visualforce project with Layout Page for Salesforce

Layout Page

One of the things I love most about Salesforce is how fast you can go from idea to awesome new app. Combining standard Salesforce “clicks-not-code” tools and custom Apex and Visualforce, you can build almost anything in hours or days instead of weeks or months. But the more custom you want to go, the more time it takes, and few things are as cumbersome as building a Visualforce page from the ground up. Layout Page is here to take off a bit of the burden and jumpstart your Visualforce project!

Layout Page converts any Salesforce page layout (Standard OR Custom) into a standard Visualforce page instantly, in just 3 simple and easy steps. Converting your Page Layouts into Visualforce Pages is no more a tedious and/or complex task; rather a simple and pleasant one.

Layout Page is a free app, so give it a try today and let us know how its helping you build the next big thing!

Tip of the Week – A whole new world in Salesforce with one simple Visualforce page

Tip of the Week – A whole new world in Salesforce with one simple Visualforce page

If you’ve been following our posts, you know that we at CloudMyBiz are big fans of leveraging images to tell stories about your Salesforce data. Image formulas are an incredible tool, but they have some limitations. You have to have a field name, so you can’t just have the image nicely displayed on its own. There are limits to the number of formula fields you can use on an object, and image formulas can quickly be a drain on these. Additionally, if you want to put something in there which is a little more dynamic than an image, say a web page, well, that’s never going to happen.

As a blog coordinator, I wanted a way to easily track my blogs, keep an eye on posts, and have a really dynamic, nice looking page to work with in Salesforce.  Image formulas weren’t going to do the trick, so I sat back, pulled up a new Visualforce page, and wrote this in just 15 minutes (including adding it to my page layout)! The code couldn’t be simpler, and you can have a gorgeous addition to your page that will tell a story like nothing else in no time.

<apex:page standardController="Blog__c" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" >
<apex:outputLink value="{!Blog__c.bLocation__c}" target="_blank">
<apex:image url="{!Blog__c.imageURL}"/>

Note that you can hard code a specific URL or make it a bit more dynamic like I did here with a URL formula. You can even take this one step further and drop an iFrame straight on to your page.

<apex:page standardController="Blog__c" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" >
<apex:iframe src="{!Blog__c.bLocation__c}"/>

If you’re using Google Chrome and the site you’re adding isn’t https, it will take a little effort to get the page to load, but once it does, you can’t beat the results. Check it out and enjoy a whole new Salesforce experience with this 15 minute Visualforce project!

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys