Salesforce is an incredible tool for bringing order to the chaos of your business. From sales to marketing to customer service and beyond, Salesforce provides a platform for organizing all of your data. The glue that holds all the pieces together and brings the real value to Salesforce, though, is the powerful reporting engine. Reports and Dashboards give insight into everything you do and translate thousands of important data points into clear trends and important action items. But if you use summary or matrix reports, you’ve always been limited in the way you can sort that data – groups had to be displayed in ascending order by value. And when you scrolled down to see information lower in the report, your headers didn’t follow you down the page. With the Spring ’14 release, all this has changed!
Thanks to the Spring ’14 release, you now have the ability to sort each grouping in a summary or matrix report by name, record count, or any summarized value! As an example for a Leads report, you can show recent months first, with top statuses at the top of each month. As an added bonus, report and grouping headers will float as you scroll down the page. I want you to go to one of your old summary reports right now. Don’t worry, I’ll wait here. You’ll notice there is now a new section right below the filters called “Grouped by”. Using this, you can now choose to sort each section in your reports based on any criteria you have summarized! Now, go back over to Salesforce, click “Show Details” if they’re hidden, and scroll down past the headers. All the way on the top center of your browser, you’ll see a little down arrow. Click that and your headers will show up along with the heading for the group you’re looking at. Go on, give it a try. With these latest updates, you can really make your reports tell the story you need in a snap!
-Jared and the Salesforce Guys

CEO of CloudMyBiz Salesforce CRM consulting services with a deep knowledge in the lending industry. Taking keen interest in the project management side of operations, playing a vital role in the 31% YOY company growth. Strategic leader, mastering the ability to problem solve at every level of the business, providing effective solutions for clients.