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Being on the Salesforce AppExchange is one of the hottest tickets in town (for technology solutions companies that is). After all, Salesforce is a pretty big deal. With almost 4 million users worldwide, Salesforce occupies almost 20% of the worldwide CRM market! That’s an astounding number! So if you are a company that gets your app listed with the 3000 or so other apps already on the AppExchange, you will get access to a very desirable market.

However, getting listed isn’t as easy as just filling out your name and email. Salesforce has a thorough system in place to vet potential Applications. You will need to create a profile, build a product, submit a business plan, and have your plan and product reviewed by a Salesforce rep. Not to worry, it’s a friendly process, just thorough. Of course, like most things Salesforce, they have broken down all the steps onto a simple trailhead page: making your journey to joining the AppExchange a little bit easier.

Click here to see the AppExchange Trailblazer Checklist

-Ryan and the CMB Team
