Over the last month there has been some serious speculation that Google will attempt to pull off a behemoth of a deal and acquire Salesforce. Kicked off by the RBC Capital Markets prediction that Salesforce could be purchased for around $250B, and backed up with the Google’s Cloud services not so private announcement last year that they are aiming to become at least the #2 Cloud by 2023. What better way to jump start that than by acquiring Salesforce?
A number of online sites and pundits have pointed out that while this acquisition would certainly jump Google into the #2 spot, comparing Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to Salesforce, isn’t exactly apples to apples. AWS, the leading cloud services provider, enables developers and businesses to build their own services and applications, while Salesforce, is a CRM solution that provides solutions, based on their own proven infrastructure.
What that all means for the potential acquisition is that Google might have more to consider than just Salesforce’s cloud ranking. The synergies that could be realized by having Google and Salesforce under one roof could be very powerful, but at the same time, Google would need to be careful to preserve what makes Salesforce so powerful, namely, it’s passionate focus on building the world’s best CRM.
-Ryan and the CloudMyBiz Team
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CEO of CloudMyBiz Salesforce CRM consulting services with a deep knowledge in the lending industry. Taking keen interest in the project management side of operations, playing a vital role in the 31% YOY company growth. Strategic leader, mastering the ability to problem solve at every level of the business, providing effective solutions for clients.