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Let’s face it, you’re juggling questions from clients, proposals, presentations, email, and phone calls, and meanwhile your colleagues are waiting on you for information they need to manage their own insanity. With all the moving pieces in business, it can be hard to keep track of who owes what to whom. To make matters worse, you can’t always be at your desk with a nice To-Do list, and you can’t always trust your notes aren’t going to accidentally find their way into the trash. You need a system to help you keep track of all those floating items so that nothing falls through the cracks. IoU for Salesforce1 has a free app to help you keep the crazy at bay.

IoU is a simple To-Do app that allows you to keep track of the things you owe other people and the things other people owe you, all from within Salesforce1. Keep your team organized and accountable with this simple, easy-to-use mobile app.

This new and innovative app is free, so you should check it out today!
