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App of the Week – Advance your metrics with Sales History Advanced Dashboard in Salesforce

App of the Week – Advance your metrics with Sales History Advanced Dashboard in Salesforce

Sales History Advanced Dashboard

Your metrics tell you a lot about your company’s successes and areas for growth. Reports are great for crunching hard data, but Dashboards help you really visualize what that information means in dollars and cents. There are hundreds of ways to build dashboards, and it can be a little intimidating getting started. You may already have some good basic dashboards, but if you’re ready to take the leap into more advanced metrics, you’ll probably want something to start you off. Have I got an app for you! Check out the free Sales History Advanced Dashboard from our colleagues at Salesforce Labs!

How are your sales doing this year vs last year?
How is your win rate doing against the target?
Find these answers and more!

Watch the Sales History Advanced Dashboard demo and download the app for free today!

Tip of the Week – The long and short of Joined Reports in Salesforce

Tip of the Week – The long and short of Joined Reports in Salesforce

Joined Report

Joined reports are one of the most powerful and underutilized tools Salesforce has to offer. With a joined report, you can show data from multiple objects on one page grouped by a shared relationship. Creating joined reports is a little tricky at first, but in principle it’s just like creating any other report. Drag and drop fields, summarize data, filter based on various criteria. You’ll have a section of common fields which allow you to group the data from the various objects together. Want to show Opportunities and Cases related to an Account on one page? Joined reports can give you this kind of 360 look into an Account in no time flat!

Now for the limitations. Joined reports don’t let you break down your data the same way as standard reports, nor do they let you filter data the same way. There are also some minor UI differences. You can’t add bucketed fields. Cross filters are a no go. Conditional highlighting isn’t an option. Also, you can’t drag and drop fields directly into the filters section like you can with standard reports (a minor inconvenience). For a full breakdown on joined reports including all the dos and don’ts, check out Salesforce’s article How Joined Reports Work.

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys

App of the Week – Give your Salesforce Dashboards a makeover with MyCharts

App of the Week – Give your Salesforce Dashboards a makeover with MyCharts


Time and again, we at CloudMyBiz have returned to visuals. Whether it’s leveraging formulas to display images, showing outside content on a record, or using charts to help your team understand the data in your org, visuals are a powerful tool for helping you review, relate to, and act on data. Dashboards are the bread and butter here, but if your team needs something more dynamic, prefers a hyper modern HTML5 appearance and user interface, needs solid access across all platforms including Salesforce1, or if you are more familiar with Google Charts and want to leverage that experience to quickly create a powerful dashboard, MyCharts has you covered.

MyCharts is a Visualforce package that works on both desktop browsers and the new Salesforce1 mobile experience. MyCharts provides a simple and dynamic interface for creating charts that can be easily modified and shared with others in your organizations.

Not only does MyCharts give you some powerful new tools, but being an unmanaged package built on the latest Salesforce Analytics APIs, you can leverage it as a “reference implementation for your own customized solutions” and jumpstart your first Salesforce1 application! Check out their listing today!

Tip of the Week – Improve your sales processes with one singular field in Salesforce

Tip of the Week – Improve your sales processes with one singular field in Salesforce

When sales is your business’s lifeblood, nothing is more important than winning that opportunity, but let’s face it, you can’t win ‘em all. You’ve got an amazing team, and when a month goes by where the win rate is less than you projected, it is important to understand what happened so that you can improve your processes going forward and ensure you’re not spinning your wheels on deals that’ll never close. You discuss why deals fall through, but if you don’t capture that anywhere, it’s going to disappear into the ether.

The solution here is quick, easy, and will give you a lot of insight going forward. Create a new picklist field called “Reason Lost” on Opportunities and/or Leads. Talk to your team, gather the most common reasons, and add them to the list. Now create a few Reports and Dashboards to give you a breakdown of the new data. After a few months, you should have a good idea what makes deals fall through. If it’s budget, you’ll know to ask the right questions up front. If it’s geographical, you can target clients in more ideal regions.

This fix is quick, but it can save you a lot of time and help your team focus on the opportunities that are most likely to succeed. Give your database a little TLC and you’ll be the office hero.

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys

App of the Week – Get feedback on meetings with Simple Visit Reports in Salesforce

App of the Week – Get feedback on meetings with Simple Visit Reports in Salesforce

Salesforce Events are a great tool for keeping track of your calendar, but the standard object is pretty limiting. You can only add certain types of fields and related lists, and if you want to just drill down to meetings and notes, you’re going to have to jump through some tight hoops in reporting to get the information you need. Building out a custom solution would take some considerable time and effort. Well, enter Salesforce Labs yet again with a solution in Simple Visit Reports that will save you hours of work!

Simple visit reports provides your company with a simple way of tracking structured visit reports. It also comes with powerful analytics to analyze your visit reports by reps, customers…

  • Track efficiently your visit reports
  • Know which customers have not been visited recently
  • Get visit statistics by reps, customers, competitors…

Read more and check out this free, unmanaged app here, and enjoy a simple solution to get quick feedback on meetings!