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Your team is busy. No other way around it. Your sales team is selling, your support team is supporting, and their managers’ heads are spinning trying to keep things flowing seamlessly. You may be utilizing Assignment Rules to automatically push records to team members as they come in, and you might be using queues to give your team the ability to accept new items as they come through, but both have their limitations. You need a way to push records to the team members who are available now in real time and be able to report on their work. For you, Salesforce has released Omni-Channel!

Released in Summer ’15, this new Salesforce feature is available for Enterprise and above licenses. Omni-Channel integrates seamlessly with the Console, and provides extremely enhanced routing and reporting capabilities. Route Leads, Cases, even Custom Objects to reps based on load balance and availability intuitively in ways only available before with costly custom code. I could talk for hours about this cool, new tool, but I’d recommend instead checking out the video below for all the details and a fantastic demo! Check it out, and consider implementing Omni-Channel for Salesforce today!

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys
