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Many businesses, such as in the lending industry, rely on assessing a prospective client’s credit ratings to determine risk and identify if you’re looking at a profitable deal or a future headache. Salesforce lets you manage the important data you need relating to customers, but to get risk and credit data, you’re either looking at expensive custom integrations with credit agencies, or having to log into an external website, pull credit, then enter the results into Salesforce manually. Imagine how valuable it would be to have all that information integrated directly into Salesforce, ready for you at the click of a button. Well, I’ve got some exciting news for you! The CloudMyBiz team would like to introduce you to Experian FusionIQ!

The new Experian FusionIQ™ app gives you a true 360-degree view by seamlessly integrating critical risk-management data — such as credit scores, public-record data, corporate linkage and trade-payment information — into your Salesforce.com records.

My team recently got a demo of this exciting, new, free tool from Experian, and we were blown away by the power and simplicity of the app. This is one of the best products on the market, allowing you to pull both business and personal credit directly from Salesforce. Imagine the power of the analytics — Salesforce Reports and Dashboards based on data from Experian! Check out Experian FusionIQ, drop them a line, or let us know if we can help you evaluate this awesome app for your team!
Cover image by Joelle Diane
