Your sales team is busy, flying this way and that across the globe to meet with prospective clients and close deals. Because of their tight schedules, they use their time in the air to review notes and prepare for upcoming meetings. Many flights these days have wifi, but not all, and it’s always expensive. Your team needs access to their Salesforce data on the fly, no matter where they are or how many cell phone bars they have. The team at Salesforce is one step ahead of you!
The Salesforce Spring ’16 release come with offline access for Salesforce1 for the Sales Cloud! All your users need do is download and log into Salesforce1 to enable offline access (through you can always disable it later). The app will automatically cache records they’ve recently viewed on both the app and on their computer so that the data they need is always accessible. Check out the release highlights for more gems, and the help doc for additional details on offline access. Happy travels!
CEO of CloudMyBiz Salesforce CRM consulting services with a deep knowledge in the lending industry. Taking keen interest in the project management side of operations, playing a vital role in the 31% YOY company growth. Strategic leader, mastering the ability to problem solve at every level of the business, providing effective solutions for clients.
Tis the season for Star Wars buzz, and with a record breaking opening weekend behind us, there’s more excitement than ever for this classic franchise! Many of us geeks look to our fandoms for life lessons, and the Death Star is a classic example of a failed project. With its astronomical budget and fatal flaw allowing for its instant destruction, it is the archetype of a project management disaster. Well, the team at Trailhead agree, and built a lesson to walk you through creating a project management tool that just might save you from Lord Vader’s wrath.
The Battle Star App Trailhead lesson is perfect for the aspiring admin, Salesforce noob, or anyone who wants to brush up on how to build a custom application in Salesforce. It’s filled with fun Star Wars jokes, so nerds like me who already know how to do all the stuff in the lesson will be just as entertained. You’ll learn how to build a custom App from the ground up starting with custom objects and fields, then diving into business logic and beyond. And for you technophobes, no need to fear, no code is required for you to use the force! Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves, throw off your hood, get out the lightsaber, and start slicing away at this fun lesson. May the force be with you, and remember, “do or do not, there is no try.”
CEO of CloudMyBiz Salesforce CRM consulting services with a deep knowledge in the lending industry. Taking keen interest in the project management side of operations, playing a vital role in the 31% YOY company growth. Strategic leader, mastering the ability to problem solve at every level of the business, providing effective solutions for clients.
In the ever expanding global market of the 21st Century, it’s important to be able to do business with your customers wherever they may be. Salesforce knows this, and has built-in multi-currency support. The problem is, sometimes you don’t need an Opportunity, you don’t want to create and save records, wait for page loads, change settings. You just need to see a price in a different currency. “You told me the price in USD, what’s it going to cost me in Euros?” The team at Salesforce Labs gets you, and they’ve created the awesome Currency Conversion Tool!
Convert currencies on the go. Enter an amount and specify the currency, then with one click convert that to all currencies set up in your org. Use this component in the Lightning App Builder to quickly add it to your apps.
The Currency Conversion Tool is free, mobile friendly, and ready to work with any currencies configured in your org. Give it a try today!
CEO of CloudMyBiz Salesforce CRM consulting services with a deep knowledge in the lending industry. Taking keen interest in the project management side of operations, playing a vital role in the 31% YOY company growth. Strategic leader, mastering the ability to problem solve at every level of the business, providing effective solutions for clients.
If you’re a Salesforce system administrator, you’ve gotten that call at least once. You know the one – one of your users (or worse, executives) can’t log in to Salesforce, and they’re getting ready to smash a pumpkin. You need to help them fast, but if you’re away from your computer, diagnosing the issue can be a challenge. Reviewing login history is tough on a tiny smartphone screen. There has to be an easier way to help. And there is! This fantastically simple gem, Login History, comes from the good people at Salesforce Labs.
From inside Salesforce 1, Administrators are able to see the list of the latest users who have tried to login to their Salesforce orgs and if the login attempt was successful or not.
CEO of CloudMyBiz Salesforce CRM consulting services with a deep knowledge in the lending industry. Taking keen interest in the project management side of operations, playing a vital role in the 31% YOY company growth. Strategic leader, mastering the ability to problem solve at every level of the business, providing effective solutions for clients.
If your office is anything like mine, it’s constantly pinging and ringing and buzzing with mobile notifications. With the accessibility of smartphones, every workforce is at least a little bit mobile, and giving your team mobile access to their Salesforce data lets them close more deals, faster, on the go. But if you’ve considered implementing a mobile app for your team, the task can be daunting! WSDLs, APIs, security, months of development, yeah, nobody’s got time for that! But in this week’s installment of Dreamforce Tips, I’ve got good news for you. Going mobile with Salesforce is a breeze with Salesforce1!
The Salesforce1 mobile app debuted almost two years ago, but a lot of people are still intimidated by the process of implementing mobile access for their team. From my own experience, it really couldn’t be easier! Because mobile access comes built into your Salesforce org, implementing Salesforce1 involves little more than a couple clicks and downloading the app on your smartphone. As your grow, Salesforce1 scales with you with Mobile Cards, custom Chatter Actions, and new Lightning Components, letting you roll out new features lightning fast. If you’ve not implemented Salesforce1, try it today, and even if you have, this tutorial will take you beyond the basics, and our recommendations will help you make it great!
-Jared and the Salesforce Guys Cover image by Joelle Diane
Dreamforce Sock Update:
You didn’t miss it last week, I just had a bad week of knitting. But this week, I’m back on track, and yes, that’s a heel! Should be starting the cuffs and striping this week sometime, and it’s very exciting!
CEO of CloudMyBiz Salesforce CRM consulting services with a deep knowledge in the lending industry. Taking keen interest in the project management side of operations, playing a vital role in the 31% YOY company growth. Strategic leader, mastering the ability to problem solve at every level of the business, providing effective solutions for clients.